Transactions to execute in the batch call
Submittable extrinsic unsigned
Transactions to execute in the batch call
Hex of the submittable extrinsic unsigned
Transactions to execute in the batch call
Submittable extrinsic unsigned
Transactions to execute in the batch call
Hex of the submittable extrinsic unsigned
Public address of the account to check balance for transfer
Token amount to transfer
Signed transaction object
Pallet module of the transaction
Subsequent extrinsic method of the transaction
Boolean, true if the pallet module and the subsequent extrinsic method exist, throw an Error otherwise
The section required to get the chain constant (eg. "balances")
The constantName depending on the section (eg. "existentialDeposit")
The constant value
Pallet module of the transaction
Subsequent extrinsic method of the transaction
Arguments of the transaction
Hex value of the transaction
An object with the seed and the public address
Promise containing the actual Api instance, a wrapper around the RPC and interfaces of the chain.
String, the api endpoint connected with.
Public address of the account to get free balance for
The free balance of the account
Capsule mint fee
A keyring pair
Marketplace mint fee
NFT mint fee
Hex of the transaction
Public address of the sender
Total estimated fee which is the sum of the chain gas fee and the treasury fee
Transaction hex
Public address of the sender
Transaction fee estimation
Transaction hex
Fee estimation
Chain endpoint
Boolean, true if the underlying provider is connected, false otherwise
Generic result passed as a parameter in a transaction callback
Object containing a boolean success field indicating if transaction is successful and a indexInterrupted field to indicate where the transaction stopped in case of a batch
Boolean, true if the address is valid, false otherwise
The section required to make the chain query (eg. "system")
The call depending on the section (eg. "account")
Array of args for the call
Callback function to enable subscription, if not given, no subscription will be made
Result of the query storage call
Pallet module of the transaction
Subsequent extrinsic method of the transaction
Arguments of the transaction
Keyring pair to sign the data, if not given, an unsigned transaction to be signed will be returned
Callback function to enable subscription, if not given, no subscription will be made
Hash of the transaction, or an unsigned transaction to be signed if no keyring pair is passed
Keyring pair to sign the data
Tx hex of the unsigned transaction to be signed
Hex value of the signed transaction
Transaction hex of the signed transaction to be submitted
Callback function to enable subscription, if not given, no subscription will be made
Hash of the transaction
Public address of the account to get balance for
Public address of the account to transfer amount to
Token amount to transfer
Keyring pair to sign the data
Callback function to enable subscription, if not given, no subscription will be made
Hash of the transaction or the hex value of the signable tx
Public address of the account to transfer amount to
Ensure that the transfer does not kill the account, it retains the Existential Deposit
Keyring pair to sign the data
Callback function to enable subscription, if not given, no subscription will be made
Hash of the transaction or the hex value of the signable tx
Public address of the account to get balance for
Public address of the account to transfer amount to
Token amount to transfer
Keyring pair to sign the data
Callback function to enable subscription, if not given, no subscription will be made
Hash of the transaction or the hex value of the signable tx
Number input
BN output
Generated using TypeDoc
Create a batchAll transaction of dispatch calls.